The objective of this course is to provide a complete introduction to algorithm design and complexity analysis techniques.
The course aims at providing fundamental knowledge and existing techniques of algorithm design-related topics. It also aims at elaborating rigorous complexity analysis for a better understanding of the design principles. The course should follow a programming-focused introductory computer science sequence.
The course will touch on the following topics:
Keywords: algorithm design, complexity analysis.
Previous offers: [2024 Spring], [2023 Autumn], [2022 Autumn], [2021 Autumn]
Closely related: [Data Structure]
The course is organized into several major parts and each contains different topics.
Introduction & basic concepts recap:
Major algorithm design techniques:
\mathcal{NP} and PSPACE:
Dealing with intractability:
Friday, A1017.
Week | Date | Lecture | Handouts |
1 | 2024/03/09 | Introduction | Stable Matching |
2 | 2024/ | Algorithm Analysis & Graphs | Tractability & Asymptotic Order, Graphs |
3 | 2024/ | Greedy Algorithm I | Coin Changing, Interval Scheduling/Partitioning, Minimize Lateness, Optimal Cache |
4 | 2024/ | Greedy Algorithm II | Dijkstra′s Algorithm, Minimum Spanning Tree, Prim/Kruskal/Boruvka, Clustering, Min-cost Arborescence, Huffman Codes |
5 | 2024/ | Divide and Conquer I | Mergesort, Recurrence Relations, Counting Inversions, Randomized quicksort, Closest Pair of Points |
6 | 2024/ | Divide and Conquer II | Master Theorem, Integer/Matrix Multiplication, Convolutions & FFT |
7 | 2024/ | Dynamic Programming I | Weighted Interval Scheduling, Segmented Least Squares, Subset Sums and Knapsacks |
8 | 2024/ | Dynamic Programming II | Sequence Alignment, Hirschberg/Bellman–Ford–Moore, Negative Cycle Detection |
9 | 2024/ | Network Flow I | Max-Flow Min-Cut, Ford-Fulkerson, Augmenting Paths, Capacity-scaling/Shortest-augmenting/Dinitz, Simple unit-capacity Networks |
10 | 2024/ | Network Flow II | Bipartite Matching, Disjoint Paths, Circulations with Demands, Survey Design, Airline Scheduling, Image Segmentation, Project Selection, Tournament Elimination |
11 | 2024/ | Intractability I | Polynomial-Time Reductions, Packing & Covering problem, Satisfiability Problem (raster/SAT), Traveling Salesman, Partitioning Problems, Graph Coloring, Numerical Problems |
12 | 2024/ | Intractability II | \mathcal{P} vs. \mathcal{NP}, \mathcal{NP}-complete, \text{co-}NP, \mathcal{NP}-hard |
13 | 2024/ | Extending Tractability | Special cases (tree, planarity), Approximation (vertex cover, knapsack), Exponential Algorithms (3-SAT, TSP) |
14 | 2024/ | PSPACE | Quantified 3-SAT (QSAT), Planning Problems, PSPACE-complete |
15 | 2024/ | Approximation Algorithms | Load Balancing, Center Selection, Weighted Vertex Cover, Knapsack Problem |
16 | 2024/ | Local Search | Gradient Descent, Metropolis & Simulated Algorithm, Hopfield Neural Networks, Maximum-Cut, Nash Equilibria |
S1 | 2024/ | Randomized Algorithms | Contention Resolution, Global Min-Cut, Max 3-Satisfiability, Universal Hashing, Chernoff Bounds |
Note: slides content are largely consistent with the official accompanying slides of Algorithm Design.
Not mandatory but recommended: