Computer Science - UG3/G
Course Machine Learning I
Term 2023F
Final Tba
Credits 3
Staff WU Xiaokun 吴晓堃
Lecture 48 hours (12 weeks)
课程名称 机器学习I
授课时间 2023年春
考试形式 考试/考查
学分 3
讲者 吴晓堃
总计时长 48学时(12周)

Course Information

Short Intro

The objective of this course is to provide a complete introduction to machine learning, which discusses computer programs that automatically improve their performance through experience (e.g., programs that learn to recognize faces, recommend music and movies, and drive autonomous robots).


This course covers theoretical and practical algorithms for machine learning from different perspectives: theoretical concepts include induction bias, PAC learning framework, Bayesian learning methods, and Occam’s razor; programming assignments include hands-on experiments with various learning algorithms. This course is designed to provide a solid foundation for students who wish to master modern artificial intelligence techniques and to provide the necessary methods, techniques, mathematics, and algorithms for those who wish to pursue future research in machine learning.

The course will touch on the following topics:

Keywords: machine learning, statistical learning, deep learning

Course group

Closely related: [Artificial Intelligence], [Deep Learning], [Natural Language Processing]


We expect you to have the following skills before taking this course:



Teaching Plan

This course is organized into a 12-week session (4 hours per week). The main contents are listed below:

  1. Introduction 导言,Preliminaries 预备知识
  2. Decision Trees 决策树
  3. Linear Models 线性模型
  4. Model Selection 模型选择
  5. (*)Nonparametric Models 非参数化模型
  6. (*)Ensemble Learning 集成学习
  7. (*)Statistical Learning Concepts 统计学习概念
  8. (*)Probability Models: Complete Data 概率模型:完备数据
  9. (*)Probability Models: Hidden Variables 概率模型:隐变量
  10. Feedforward Neural Networks 前馈神经网络,Back Propagation 反向传播
  11. Deep Learning Computation 深度学习计算
  12. Convolutional Neural Networks 卷积神经网络
  13. Modern Convolutional Neural Networks 现代卷积神经网络
  14. Recurrent Neural Networks 循环神经网络
  15. Modern Recurrent Neural Networks 现代循环神经网络

Tutorials are designed to consistent with lectures:

  1. Getting Started 实验配置及基础操作
  2. Decision Trees 决策树
  3. Linear Regression 线性回归
  4. Linear Classification 线性分类
  5. (*)Nonparametric Models 非参数化模型
  6. (*)Ensemble Learning 集成学习
  7. Feedforward Neural Networks 前馈神经网络
  8. Deep Learning Computation 深度学习计算
  9. Convolutional Neural Networks 卷积神经网络
  10. Recurrent Neural Networks 循环神经网络


Tuesday, Thursday; YG09-404.

Week Date Lecture Handouts
1 2023/02/21 [导言] [课程信息] [要点1]
2 2023/02/28 [预备知识] [安装配置] [实验1]
3 2023/03/07 [决策树] [数据工具] [实验2]
4 2023/03/14 [线性回归] [实验3]
5 2023/03/21 [线性分类] [实验4]
6 2023/03/28 [前馈神经网络] [实验5]
7 2023/04/04 [深度计算] [实验6]
8 2023/04/11 [卷积神经网络]
9 2023/04/18 [卷积神经网络] [实验7]
10 2023/04/25 [现代卷积神经网络]
11 2023/05/02 [循环神经网络] [实验8]
12 2023/05/09 [现代循环神经网络]

Several special topics:

Week Date Lecture Handouts
S1 2023/ [模型选择]
S2 2023/ [Nonparametric Models]
S3 2023/ [Ensemble Learning]
S3 2023/ [Probabilistic Models]


Problem-solving oriented, equal emphasis on lecture and practice.


Each lecture is roughly organized into 3 progressive units:

  1. Core Concepts 核心概念: provides elementary knowledge of the topic
  2. Advanced Discussion 进阶讨论: provides in-depth understanding, mathematical formulations
  3. Practical Skills 实践技巧: provides problem-solving skills through hands-on programming training





Not mandatory but recommended:




