This course provides practical tutorials for Embedded System
Development, based on STM32
micro-controller from
We expect you to have the following skills before taking this course:
We organize this course into a 4-week session (8 hours per week). The main contents are listed below:
Topology | Task |
GPIO - flashing led | |
GPIO - button | |
GPIO - rocking led | |
Clock tree - high speed external resonator | |
UART - simple serial transmission | |
SPI - external flash (W25Q64) | |
Interrupt - buzzer | |
I2C - text on OLED (SSD1306, 128x64 Dot Matrix) | |
Timer - breathing led | |
Timer - measure PWM and print via UART | |
Timer - encoder with a control knob | |
Timer - servo | |
Timer - motor (TB6612FNG) | |
ADC - photosensitive sensor | |
ADC - infrared sensor |
We try to build a 2-wheel self-balancing car from scratch by the end of this tutorial session.
Topology | Task |
Prototype - wheel speed control via PWM | |
Prototype.parameters - stand on a soft surface (higher friction is better) | |
Prototype.parameters - reduce high/low-frequency oscillations | |
Prototype.parameters - resistant to external force | |
Prototype.parameters - stand on a hard surface | |