The objective of this course is to provide a complete introduction to Data Structure.
This course was assigned to me under the “same course, same content” rule, so I do not have much freedom in deciding what knowledge to share.
We expect you to have the following skills before taking this course:
This course is organized into a 12-week lectures (4 hours per week) and 2-week practice (8 hours per week). The main contents are listed below:
Monday, Friday; 5-305.
Week | Date | Lecture | Handouts |
1 | 2023/09/08 | 绪论:数据结构的研究内容,数据结构的研究内容,抽象数据类型的表示与实现,算法与算法分析 | |
2 | 2023/09/15 | 线性表:线性表的定义和特点,案例引入,线性表的类型定义,线性表的顺序表示和实现 | |
3 | 2023/09/22 | - | |
4 | 2023/10/08 | 线性表:线性表的链式表示和实现,顺序表和链表的比较,线性表的应用;栈和队列:栈和队列的定义和特点,栈的表示和操作的实现 | |
5 | 2023/10/06 | - | |
6 | 2023/10/13 | 栈和队列:栈与递归,队列的的表示和操作的实现;串、数组和广义表:串 | |
7 | 2023/10/20 | 串、数组和广义表:串的类型定义、存储结构及运算,数组,广义表;树和二叉树:定义 | |
8 | 2023/11/03 | 树和二叉树:树和二叉树的抽象数据类型定义,二叉树的性质和存储结构,遍历二叉树和线索二叉树,树和森林,哈夫曼树及其应用 | |
9 | 2023/11/04 | 实验课 | |
10 | 2023/11/10 | 图:图的定义和基本术语,案例引入,图的类型定义,图的存储结构,图的遍历,图的应用(最小生成树) | |
11 | 2023/11/17 | 查找:查找的基本概念,线性表的查找,树表的查找(二叉排序树、AVL树、B-树) | |
12 | 2023/11/24 | 查找:树表的查找(B+树),哈希表的查找;图:图的应用(最短路径:Dijkstra算法、AOV:拓扑排序算法、AOE:关键路径) | |
13 | 2023/12/01 | 排序:概述,插入排序,交换排序,选择排序,归并排序,基数排序 |
Not mandatory but recommended: